Program Evaluation Form
Performance Evaluation Form
Author Jason Edwards’ Enrichment Programs
Please take a moment to copy this form and provide some constructive feedback on our program.
Feel free to grade the performance as you would a student : A+ , A, B, C, D - F
Student Response
The activity engaged students’ interest and attention; students' participation was enthusiastic and on-task; restlessness was minimal; Students maintained a positive attitude.
Artistic and Educational Quality
Program was appropriate and for students’ age and skill levels; Mr. Edwards helped students achieve program objectives; Educational component was successfully blended into program activities.
Artist’s Interaction with Students
Mr. Edwards appeared to genuinely enjoy working with children; he encouraged students to participate in the program and helped them do so in a meaningful way; Mr. Edwards listened attentively to students’ questions and responded appropriately, using vocabulary that was within the grasp of students.
Technical Quality of Program
The performer could easily be heard and seen; props and sound effects were effective; costumeswere appropriate; elements of surprise and humor were included in the presentation; the program was well-paced; the performance began and ended on time.
Quality of Study Guides/Support Materials
Materials provided for use in the program were attractive, well designed, and clear; Materials
were easy to use and understand; Materials enhanced children’s appreciation of the program; Children were pleased with program rewards.
Did the program achieve its goals
Did the StoryCrafting program teach, empower, encourage, and inspire young writers; Did the MONSTER HUNT foster development of deductive reason, cooperative learning, and surreptitiously improve students' library research skills? What else do you feel the students walked away from the program having learned or gained?
Any other comments or suggestions for improvement?